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Baldur's Gate 3 Patch 6 Steam Deck Performance & GeForce NOW

The recent release of Patch 6 for Baldur's Gate 3 prompted a comprehensive review of its performance on the Steam Deck.

Testing was conducted using previously recommended settings around camp, revealing slight improvements in visual quality. However, as the gameplay progressed into Rivington, part of Act Three, the familiar performance issues resurfaced, particularly inside buildings in Baldur's Gate.

Despite the apparent worsening of performance, the game remains playable on the Steam Deck. The reported frame rates may not look promising, dropping into the 20s, but the actual experience on the device doesn't feel as dire, especially outside the main areas. Inside Boulders Gate, even within some buildings, the frame rate dips into the 20s, but it remains bearable.

The latest Steam patch indicates improved performance on GeForce Now, offering a smoother experience. The full ultra settings on GeForce Now's ultimate tier consistently deliver 60 plus frames per second with no noticeable input latency on the Steam Deck. A link to a guide for using GeForce Now is provided in the description, with both free and monthly subscription options available.

On the Steam Deck's OLED display, playing Baldur's Gate 3 consumes around 23 watts, providing approximately 3 hours of battery life. However, the LCD struggles and runs hot, reaching a maximum of around 25 FPS and lasting about an hour and a half in terms of gameplay.

Despite these challenges, sticking with the Steam Deck-only version is viable. Playing through Act Three is possible, even though it may not be the optimal way to experience the game. Frame rate dips persist, but following recommended settings, especially maintaining ultra quality on FSR 3, helps mitigate these issues.

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